قوات الدفاع الجوي السورية
نقلا عن صحيفة syria-news.قالت صحيفة يدعوت احرنوت
الإسرائيلية اليوم إن "سورية حصلت على مجموعة من الصواريخ المضادة
للطائرات روسية الصنع "استعدادا لحرب محتملة مع إسرائيل".
وكانت الصحف الإسرائيلية قد تحدثت خلال الأشهر الماضية عن احتمال اندلاع حرب بين إسرائيل وسوريا قبل انتهاء العام الحالي.
ودعا العماد حسن توركماني وزير الدفاع القوات المسلحة السورية مؤخرا إلى
"البقاء على أهبة الاستعداد للدفاع عن سورية حيال أي عدوان محتمل".
ونقلت الصحيفة عن مصدر عسكري قوله إن "سورية لديها أكبر نظام مضاد
للطائرات كثافة في العالم حيث اشترت من روسيا صواريخ ارض- جو الأكثر تطورا
في العالم، وحسب بعض التقديرات، فان بحوزة دمشق حوالي 200 بطرية مضادة
للطائرات من مختلف الأنواع".
وكان مسؤولون في وزارة الدفاع الإسرائيلية حذروا مؤخرا من "القدرة
العسكرية السورية غير المسبوقة"ورأوا ان الانتصار على سورية "لن يكون
بالسهولة التي يتصورها البعض".
ومن جهتها، قالت إذاعة إسرائيل إن سوريا اشترت "أسلحة متطورة بما في ذلك
رؤوس كيماوية لصواريخ ارض أرض ,لكن وزير الدفاع إيهود باراك رفض توزيع
أقنعة الغاز على المدنيين مخافة أن يزيد ذلك من التوتر مع دمشق".
وكانت قد تعطلت المفاوضات بين سورية واسرائيل منذ سبع سنوات على خلفية
مطالبة دمشق استعادة هضبة الجولان التي احتلتها اسرائيل عام 1967 لتضمها
اليها عام 1981.
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IDF: Syria's antiaircraft system most advanced in world Israeli military source says that after studying IAF's performance
during Second Lebanon War, Damacus has purchased most advanced
ground-to-air missiles from Russia. IDF fears Assad's arms race may be
sign of possible conflict with Israel
Alex Fishman Published: 08.13.07, 09:38 / Israel News
Syria possesses the most crowded antiaircraft system in the world
following its continued purchase of Russian weapon systems, Yedioth
Ahronoth reported Monday, quoting a senior Israeli military source.
According to one estimate, the Syrians hold more than 200 antiaircraft batteries of different types.
In a bid to respond to the Israel Air Force's supremacy, Damascus has
been exerting great efforts in the past few years to improve its
ability in terms of ground-to-ground and ground-to-air missiles.
According to the military source, as part of these efforts the Syrians
have purchased the most advanced ground-to-air missiles from the
Russians, considered the cutting edge in aircraft interception
Some of these missiles were snatched from the production lines even before being introduced into Russian operation service.
Damascus' race to purchase antiaircraft weapons is one of the prominent
characteristics in the Syrians' preparations for a possible conflict
with Israel.
According to the military source, Syria studied the IAF's performance
during the Second Lebanon War and has since invested great sums of
money in antiaircraft systems, particularly in systems for the defense
of strategic sites.
The Institute for National Security Studies recently issued a memo on
the strengthening of the Syrian army. In the chapter dealing with air
defense, researcher Yiftah Shapir writes that the antiaircraft deals
between Syria and Russia include the purchase of SA-24 missile systems,
an armored vehicle which carries four Igla-S missiles – among of the
most advanced shoulder missiles on the market.
In addition, the Syrians purchased between 36 to 50 Pantsir S-1 (SA-22)
systems. This is a system combining missiles and shells and its
development has only been completed recently. It is installed on a
high-mobility vehicle and has a launcher of 12 missiles. Each missile
weighs 65 kilograms (143 pounds) and has a 16-kilogram (35.2-pound)
The Syrians have also improved their old antiaircraft systems, such as the SA-3 and SA-6.
According to the memo, the Syrians are interested in purchasing
long-range S-300 air defense systems and S-11 and SA-17 medium-range
mobile air defense systems.
The S-300, one of the most advanced missiles used by the Syrian army
can accurately intercept aircrafts from a distance of several tens of
kilometers, thanks to an improved radar system combined with special
sensors on the missile itself.
According to the military source, the Syrian army possesses today
improved long-range and short-range air defense systems for the
interception of aircrafts.
Aryeh Egozi contributed to this report
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